Government Schemes for Women’s Empowerment in India

Tailored Specifically, we are sharing Government Schemes for Women’s in India to empower and uplift women in India, providing them with opportunities for growth and success.

In recent years, the Indian government has implemented various schemes to empower women and ensure their overall development. These programs aim to address the unique challenges faced by women in India and provide them with opportunities for growth and prosperity.

In this article, we will discuss ten prominent government Schemes for Women’s in India. Be sure to share this article with your friends and family to raise awareness of the numerous government initiatives aiding women. Let’s spread the word and maximize the reach of these life-changing measures.

Government Schemes for Women's Empowerment in India

1. Beti Bachao\, Beti Padhao (Save the Girl Child\, Educate the Girl Child)

The Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao scheme was launched in 2015 to combat female phoneticize and promote the education of girls. This initiative aims to address the declining child sex ratio in several states across India and encourage families to value the importance of education for girls.

2. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PM Matru Vandana Scheme)

The PM Matru Vandana Yojana offers financial assistance to pregnant and lactating women to ensure proper nutrition and health during pregnancy and the first six months post-delivery. This scheme provides a cash incentive for the wage loss suffered by pregnant women and helps improve their overall wellbeing.

3. Mahila e-Haat

Launched in 2016, Mahila e-Haat is an online marketing platform that encourages women entrepreneurs and artisans to showcase and sell their products. This e-commerce platform enables women to reach a larger consumer base and empowers them to become financially independent.

4. Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)

The Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana was initiated in 2016 to provide free LPG connections to women from below-poverty-line households. This scheme aims to reduce the health hazards caused by traditional cooking fuels and improve the overall quality of life for women in rural areas.

5. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana was introduced to promote the welfare of the girl child and ensure her financial security. Under this scheme, parents or guardians can open a savings account for their daughters, with attractive interest rates and tax benefits. The funds can be utilized for education, marriage, or any other essential expenses.

6. Women Helpline Scheme

The Women Helpline Scheme provides a 24-hour helpline number (181) for women in distress. This helpline ensures immediate assistance and support to women facing various issues, including domestic violence, harassment, and gender-based crimes. The scheme also helps in spreading awareness about women’s rights and existing laws.

7. National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)

The National Rural Livelihood Mission focuses on providing economic opportunities and financial support to rural women. This scheme enhances women’s self-help groups and promotes their participation in various income-generating activities. NRLM aims to alleviate poverty and empower women in rural areas.

8. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)

The Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana is an accident insurance scheme that provides accidental death and disability coverage to individuals, including women. It offers affordable insurance options, ensuring financial security for women in case of unforeseen accidents.

9. Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme

The Mahila Shakti Kendra scheme aims to strengthen rural women’s empowerment by providing opportunities for skill development, entrepreneurship, and promoting gender equality. It establishes women resource centers for skill training, awareness campaigns, and support systems for women in need.

10. National Creche Scheme

The National Creche Scheme provides daycare facilities for working women and enables them to pursue their careers while ensuring the proper care and development of their children. This scheme offers a safe and nurturing environment for children aged six months to six years and helps working women balance their professional and personal lives.


The Indian government’s commitment to supporting women’s empowerment is evident through the implementation of these ten government schemes. These programs address crucial aspects such as education, health, financial inclusion, and safety for women, thereby fostering their progress and helping them realize their full potential. With continued efforts and successful execution of these schemes, women in India can experience greater gender equality and socio-economic growth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Can women from all socio-economic backgrounds benefit from these schemes?

Yes, these schemes are designed to cater to the diverse needs of women from different socio-economic backgrounds. They provide assistance and support to women belonging to below-poverty-line households as well as those in rural and urban areas.

Q2. How can women access the benefits of these schemes?

Women can avail themselves of the benefits by visiting the official government portals, contacting designated helpline numbers, or approaching relevant local authorities. The specific procedures and eligibility criteria are provided for each scheme to ensure smooth access and implementation.

Q3. Are these schemes available in all states of India?

Yes, these schemes are implemented nationwide and are available in all states and union territories of India. However, certain regional variations may exist based on the specific needs and requirements of each state.

Q4. Can women avail multiple schemes simultaneously?

Yes, women can benefit from multiple schemes simultaneously if they meet the eligibility criteria for each scheme. The government encourages women to explore and utilize the various opportunities provided by these schemes to enhance their overall well-being.

Q5. How can women contribute to the success of these schemes?

Women can actively participate in these schemes by spreading awareness among their communities, encouraging others to utilize the benefits, and providing feedback to the authorities for further improvements. Their involvement is crucial for the success and continuous development of these initiatives.

Advisable to refer to official government sources for updated and detailed information about Government Schemes for Women in India.

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